Why are executive leadership development programmes so crucial for businesses?
Surely if you are an executive in a company you are a leader, right? Wrong!
It does not take much to be a manager, but it's a whole different thing being a Leader.
Many people do not understand the importance of leadership development, and how important it is to work with a leadership development coach on your leadership development journey.
Executives are often able to lead the direction a business will follow for financial success, however, often undervalue the importance of getting the entire team on board and winning support to head in the right direction.
The 'FIFO' method is not a winning leadership style; you need your team to back and support you to gain lasting success.
So what is leadership development and who should attend?
It all starts from within, your ability to lead yourself, and then, in turn, others.
You need to start by reflecting and developing yourself, achieve personal mastery. Mastering 'YOU' refers amongst other factors in developing traits such as self-confidence, self-discipline, adaptability and your life-balance.
A good manager can drive people to success, however, as a leader, it's about being able to connect with people, build supportive, trusting relationships.
Why is this important?
Apart from your ability to come up with the big ideas, it is essential to listen to others and get their input, if you can't get 'buy-in' on your thoughts and direction you will fail as a leader.
When asked who should take part in leadership development programmes, I say, anyone who is managing people, running a business big or small, individuals earmarked for growth in the company, and all executives in the business.
Why are executive leadership development programmes important?
Because, many managers by default hold executive director positions, without having been developed into leaders, and with limited time, increased pressure and constant demands from shareholders or investors to deliver results, they often do not get the opportunity of focusing on becoming a fully rounded leader, tragically resulting in personal and business failure.
If you were investing in a business, where would you spend your money?
With a group of executives who have stepped up through the ranks and are now managing the company, or would you invest with a group of executives who have taken time to develop themselves, do the 'PT' and are focused on leading the business forward.
For improved business success, invest in yourself, your future leaders and your current executive team and join one of the great executive leadership development programmes available.